Business & Ally Edition #106

Make tech diverse, inclusive and equitable

Welcome to Diversify Tech’s Business and Ally Edition - a newsletter for tech leaders, recruiters and allies to make tech diverse, inclusive and equitable. If you don't want to get these emails, please unsubscribe using the link at the bottom.


Readings and events on tech, work and culture

Connect with Top Tech Talent – New Talent Network Launching Soon!

We understand how important it is to find the right candidate for your team. That’s why we’re excited to introduce our soon-to-launch Talent Network at Diversify Tech. It will make connecting with diverse, skilled candidates easier than ever.

The database is designed with hiring managers and recruiters in mind. You’ll be able to search through a wide range of profiles by skillset, experience level, and location, giving you direct access to top talent from underrepresented groups in tech.

👉 Want early access? Join our waitlist today!


These are folks from our community who are looking for jobs. If you are hiring, please reach out to them directly! You can find all of their details and more candidates here.

Software Engineering


1-2 years of experience

3-5 years of experience

6-9 years of experience

10+ of experience

  • Ciara Clements, Support Manager, Technical Support Engineer, Customer Engineer , Remote



3-5 years of experience

6-9 years of experience

10+ of experience

Information Technology

1-2 years of experience

Other roles

We love connecting you with talented people in tech. If you like our work and want to support us in continuing to spotlight underrepresented folks in tech, we would be incredibly thankful.

You can contribute at levels of $5, $10 or $15 per month - any amount is greatly helpful. Also, spreading the word about our newsletter is another wonderful way to assist us. Thanks for being a part of our community!